Foundation for Orthodox orphanage for boys laid in Tanzania (+VIDEO)

Morogoro, Morogoro Region, Tanzania, February 1, 2023


Soon an Orthodox orphanage for boys in Tanzania will join the two orphanages for girls that are already up and running.

The foundation for the new orphanage was laid on Monday in Morogoro in eastern Tanzania by Metropolitan Dimitrios of Irinoupolis, reports Romfea.

The need for such orphanages is very great, given the mortality rate from AIDS, which reaches 60% in some areas, and the severe poverty.


On Monday, local priests, readers, catechists, faithful, and many students from the nearby St. James Orthodox School gathered for the service of the blessing of the foundation of the future Holy Annunciation Orphanage.

The school and orphanage are part of a missionary effort in the heart of East African Islam, Romfea emphasizes.

In January 2020, OrthoChristian reported on a mass Baptism in Tanzania in which hundreds of former Muslims were received into the Church.

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