Natalia Vashchina
He was so inconvenient for the government, his personality was so significant, and his authority in Orthodox circles was so high that he had to be dealt with once and for all, without any possibility of continuing his activities or spreading his influence.
Mikhail Alexandrovich Novoselov truly straightened the chain of his family, becoming its “compensating link”. But how high the price of this compensation is! The blood of the New Martyrs is the great price of the spiritual rebirth of Russia.
These two holy martyrs saved the Russian Orthodox Church at that time—literally, not figuratively.
In 1928, Alexei left his cell, and his feat of feigned “foolishness” for Christ’s sake began. He lived anywhere he could, wore rags, and no one knew where he slept. He began to behave strangely; his fellow villagers could not always understand what he was doing.
No one was interested in the truth. The charges were standard for that time: anti-Soviet agitation, espionage.
An incredible story happened with Fr. Leonty at that camp. What he was subjected to would have broken anyone.