Serbian Patriarch’s condolences for tragic school shooting

Belgrade, May 4, 2023

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A tragedy unfolded in Belgrade yesterday when a 13-year-old boy opened fire at his school, killing seven girls, one boy, and one security guard and seriously injuring another six children and one teacher, who had to be hospitalized.

His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia expressed his condolences yesterday:

I was pained to hear of the news of the disaster, the likes of which has never happened to our people and in our fatherland, and today it happened in a Belgrade elementary school. I pray to Christ the Savior for the injured children and school employees. I pray to the Savior for their parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives, and I express my deepest condolences. The prayers and love of the Risen Lord and all our human care and attention are with you today, dear children of ours and teachers who are in Belgrade hospitals today.

Let us pray to the Lord for peace and love. And I ask that everyone do everything in their power to stop and condemn any kind of violence, and especially the promotion of violence in public.

In a statement today, the Patriarch calls on the faithful to pray to Christ and the Theotokos for the innocent victims.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia also expressed his condolences to Pat. Porfirije and President Aleksandar Vučić.

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