Canada: Bishop visits parish that lost historic church to fire

Boian, Alberta, Canada, June 22, 2023

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The Romanian Orthodox hierarch of Canada visited the parish community in Boian, Alberta, last week after they lost their historic church in a devastating fire.

On June 6, the wooden Dormition of the Mother of God Church, built and consecrated in 1905, was completely destroyed by fire. It was the oldest church in the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada.

His Grace Bishop Ioan Casian visited Boian June 11-14, the diocese reports.

On Sunday, June 11, despite the sadness, the community celebrated the retirement of Fr. Mircea Panciuk, who served there for 54 years.

Bp. Ioan arrived in Boian that evening to meet with the affected community and discuss how to proceed. The diocese writes:

The most extraordinary feeling was when the community expressed their desire and determination to rebuild the church for future generations. The burnt church meant the fruit of the work of previous generations. Now “it’s the moment of our generation” you could guess on the faces and in the eyes of those present. Moreover, the motto they will have on the banner they will display on the protective premises of the burnt church is: We will rebuild. The thoughts of all were saying: it is our generation's time. We have thus far enjoyed the work of the generation or generations of pioneers before us. Now is the moment of our generation. It is time for us to build a fortress of faith—a new church—which will contribute to the strengthening of our faith.

The next day, the faithful gathered with Bp. Ioan and Fr. Mircea to pray the Akathist to the Mother of God and prayers for rain at the site of the church.

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