Beltsville, MD: Holy Apostles Church opens $27K Matching Grant to move toward Church Groundbreaking

Source: Eastern American Diocese (ROCOR)

June 23, 2023


On Pentecost, Holy Apostles Church in Beltsville, MD opened a $27,000 matching grant, to move toward the groundbreaking for the building of their parish hall. The parish hall is needed for the parish to be able to move out of their current office park location, where they have been worshipping since 2002. Once built, they can worship in the dining hall of the new building while they continue the restoration and renovation of the lovely historic chapel, which was given to the parish in 2009, along with two acres of beautiful land...

... From the time of the founding of Holy Apostles in July of 2001, we have prayed for the Lord to give us a permanent parish home. Holy Apostles began in a little house in Beltsville, the house where Fr. George grew up. Father’s mother died in June 2001, and his brother generously agreed to allow our new parish to use the house for about a year, when he decided it was time to sell their childhood home. Then, we looked for a new parish home, and Father found our current humble location in the office park in Beltsville. We moved there in 2002.

We prayed fervently for a place to plant the Lord’s vineyard in Beltsville, a permanent parish home. We asked the Lord for a beautiful church and parish hall where we could work out our salvation and share our holy Faith, fulfilling the Lord’s instruction to go and teach all nations.

... Read the rest at Eastern American Diocese (ROCOR).

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