Catechumens, children, and infants baptized in Tanzania

Arusha, Arusha Region, Tanzania, July 20, 2023

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Another mass Baptism was celebrated in Tanzania recently. Group Baptisms have been a common occurrence throughout Africa for years now.

The St. Dionysios of Olympus Missionary Center in Tanzania reported on Monday that another group of catechumens as well as small children and infants were baptized by Bishop Theophilos of Arusha and Central Tanzania of the Patriarchate of Alexandria at the Church of the Annunciation in Arusha.

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“We wish our newly enlightened brothers and sisters the grace of Holy Baptism to be a bright guide for good deeds throughout their lives!” the Missionary Center writes.

“The light of Orthodoxy spreads, with God’s grace, throughout the entire area of the Holy Diocese of Arusha and Central Tanzania. From one end to the other, in cities and villages, catechism continues with undiminished zeal, since new communities of people are constantly asking to know the Orthodox faith,” the report reads.

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“At the same time, Orthodox families, slowly learning about the tradition of our Church, baptize their children in infancy, so that they grow up in the Church, participating in the Mysteries.”

149 people were baptized in Tanzania in March, and 114 in February, including dozens of former Muslims.

Also in March, the Tanzanian government donated 495 acres to the Diocese of Bukoba and Western Tanznia to be used “for the good of the people.”

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