Serbian and Macedonian primates and hierarchs, Bulgarian hierarch, Romanian cleric concelebrate

Kriva Palanka, North Macedonia, August 30, 2023     

Yesterday, on the feast of St. Joachim of Osogovo, the primates of the Serbian and Macedonian Orthodox Churches concelebrated the Divine Liturgy.

The feast was celebrated at the Monastery of St. Joachim near Kriva Palanka in northeastern Macedonia, reports the Macedonian Orthodox Church.     

His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Church and His Beatitude Archbishop Stefan of the Macedonian Church were also joined by other Serbian and Macedonian hierarchs, as well as His Grace Bishop Jacob of Dorostol of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and Protopresbyter Nelutsu Oprea of the Romanian podvoriye in Sofia.


A large number of people partook of the Holy Mysteries, the MOC reports.

Pat. Porfirije and Abp. Stefan and other Serbian and Macedonian hierarchs have concelebrated several times now since the Serbian Church granted canonical autocephaly to the Macedonian Church in June 2022.

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