Pennsylvania: Groundbreaking for new Russian Orthodox church in central Susquehanna Valley

Source: Christian Ecopoetics and Apologetic Theology

October 5, 2023


St. John Russian Orthodox Parish is building a Church temple in Winfield, with groundbreaking being celebrated this week. Excavating and laying the foundation are scheduled to be done by Thanksgiving, with the building to be up and enclosed by early 2024 and hopefully occupancy by summer, according to Church officers.

This week’s groundbreaking was celebrated with prayers and a group photo on Sunday featuring members and supporters at the Winfield site, off of Felmey Road near the Union Twp. offices. Equipment is on the site and work is scheduled to begin Monday (10/9).

St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco Russian Orthodox Mission Church is the only Orthodox parish established in the central Susquehanna region, and was founded in 2015 by converts to Orthodox Christianity and associated with the Orthodox Christian community at Bucknell University.

The community has had a steady stream of new converts since, with five local people from Protestant and unaffiliated backgrounds currently in training to be baptized as Orthodox Christians. Families who are members include former Protestants, Catholics, and atheists who found inspiration in the ancient but living faith of Orthodox Christianity, which traces back to the apostolic Church through Byzantine culture that missionized Russia in the Middle Ages.

Read the rest and learn how to donate to the construction of the church at Christian Ecopoetics and Apologetic Theology.

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