Serbian Patriarch arrives in Argentina

Buenos Aires, November 3, 2023

Pat. Porfirije (center), Bp. Kirilo (left). Photo: Pat. Porfirije (center), Bp. Kirilo (left). Photo:     

His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church began a pastoral visit to South America yesterday.

The Serbian primate arrived at the airport in Buenos Aires, Argentina yesterday, where he was welcomed by His Grace Bishop Kirilo of Buenos Aires and South and Central America and local monastics, clergy, and faithful, reports the Serbian Orthodox Church.

The Patriarch is accompanied by Bishops Arsenije of Niš, Nikodim of Dalmati, and Stefan of Remesija. The visit began with a doxology at St. Sava Monastery in Buenos Aires last night.

The delegation will also visit St. Nicholas Monastery in Machagai tomorrow. The highlight of the visit will be the consecration of the Holy Trinity Church in Resistencia on Sunday.

His Holiness will also meet with the state, local, and religious authorities.

Pat. Porfirije also paid a pastoral visit to America in January and February

of this year.

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