Conference on 8th Ecumenical Council announced (St. Michael Serbian Orthodox Church-Uncut Mountain Press)

Guntersville, Alabama, November 20, 2023


A new conference dedicated to the 8th Ecumenical Council: The Catholic Condemnation of the Filioque has been announced for next March.

“This is the Oecumenical Council that united East and West. This is the Oecumenical Council that confirmed all in the one faith. This is the Oecumenical Council you have never heard of, but holds the key to unity,” states the official conference trailer:

The event, sponsored by St. Michael the Archangel Church in Huntsville, Alabama, of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of New Gracanica-Midwest America and Uncut Mountain Press, will gather hierarchs, clergy, professors, and other speakers at the Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge and Convention Center in Guntersville, Alabama, March 14–16, 2024, to discuss the history and importance of the 8th Ecumenical Council (Constantinople 879-880).

The conference, blessed by His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica-Midwest America, willl feature a full schedule of speakers and Divine services. “At the heart of this conference will be an Athonite-style vigil for the Feast of the Eighth Oecumenical Council. A rare gathering and an exceptional opportunity you won’t want to miss!” write Uncut Mountain Press.

Speakers include:

  • His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Joranville): Why is the Recognition and Celebration of the Eighth Oecumenical Council So Important for the Church Today?

  • Dr. Theodore Alexopoulos (Department of Religion at the Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Vienna/Krems): St. Photius the Great’s Importance for Resolving Disputes on Primacy, the Filioque and Christology, with Reference to the Holy Eighth Oecumenical Council

  • Dr. David Ford (Professor of Church History, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary): St. Photius the Great, the Eighth Oecumenical Council and Relations with the Church of Rome

  • Constantine Zalalas (Masters in Theology from University of Thessaloniki, noted translator, publisher, speaker): The Filioque as the Principle Cause of Western Christian Desolation

  • Patrick Craig Truglia (historical philosophy and theology): The Fall of the Papacy Leading Up to and Beyond Constantinople IV

Visit Uncut Mountain Press to learn more and register for the conference.

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