Belarus: 18 receive river Baptism on feast of Baptism of Rus’

Gnesichi, Grodno Province, Belarus, July 29, 2024

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The feast of St. Vladimir the great and the Baptism of Rus’ was festively celebrated at Belarus’ St. Elisha-Larishevsky Monastery with a Baptismal Liturgy in the Neman River.

The tradition of celebrating Baptismal Liturgies in the river began in 2018. OrthoChristian reported on the Baptisms in 2021, 2022, and 2023.

The Liturgy was celebrated by Archpriest Dmitry Semukha, secretary of the Novogrudok Diocese, with other local and monastery clergy. This year, 18 people from various dioceses, including chidlren and adults, were baptized into Christ in the holy Orthodox Church.

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After the service, all those present partook in a monastery meal.

“This day is truly great for us, because it was Prince Vladimir who, in his time, made a decision that changed the course of history for our Slavic peoples,” noted Archpriest Anatoly Gerasimuk. “And in our Novogrudok Diocese, we’ve established a tradition—we celebrate a Baptismal Liturgy on the Neman River. This service is special both for the laity and for us, the clergy. Glorifying Prince Vladimir, remembering the spiritual act he performed on the waters of the Dnieper, we, as if drawing parallels, perform the same act on the waters of the Neman. We baptize both adults and infants.”

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