Love Knows No Differences

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Christ is in our Midst, my dear readers!

The apostle Paul talks many times in his epistles about how in God, all divisions disappear. At the time these words were revolutionary, because they completely changed people’s notion of hierarchy. For example, the Jews considered their “neighbor” only those who belonged to their nation. Any other people were second-rate. For pagans, the only people who belonged to them were their own tribesmen. All others were considered ordinary animals. That is why there was such an attitude towards slaves. A slave was no more than a living instrument of labor that knows how to talk.

The attitude towards women was not much better. She had but one function—to serve for the continuation of the race. Other than that, she was basically somewhere between an animal and a man. Even the Evangelist Matthew, when counting the people whom Christ had fed, says that there were four thousand, but this was “not counting women and children.” That is, these categories could be disregarded because they were of little significance.

Only Christianity brought equality into the world when it declared that a person’s social status was not important, because everyone is worthy of respect. Thanks to Christ, the male and female sex also received equal rights, although this by no means happened right away.

But what puts up the greatest resistance to the Good News is national and racial pride. We know that the struggle against racial discrimination ended only in the last century. But when it comes to national pride, this struggle is still going on. That is why those who are on the side of neo-Nazism can be found in any country. Its roots are in satanism. After all, the devil was the first one to consider himself better, more beautiful, and more worthy than everyone else. Any person who truly, not only in words, loves Christ and considers himself His follower could never humiliate other people because of their nationality or race. He would never demean a person for having another faith, skin color, or vernacular language. Love knows no differences, and people can only be divided into two categories: those who want to be human and strive to have not only the image but also the likeness of God; and those who do everything possible to destroy all that is human in themselves.

Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporozhye and Melitopol
Translation by



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