12 Ukrainian hierarchs celebrate feast of Cherkasy Diocese patron

Cherkasy, Cherkasy Province, Ukraine, September 23, 2024

cherkasy.church.ua cherkasy.church.ua     

Despite the war and the ongoing state persecution against them, the Orthodox people of Ukraine remain firm in faith, and the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church continues its strong liturgical life.

On Friday, September 20, a festive Divine service was held at the Archangel Michael Cathedral in Cherkasy for the feast of St. Makary of Kanev, the Wonderworker of Pereyaslav. The Liturgy was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy, one of the hierarchs who is being personally persecuted by the state, together with 11 of his brother bishops from the UOC, the Cherkasy Diocese reports.

cherkasy.church.ua cherkasy.church.ua     

Every year, the feast of St. Makary draws a large crowd of believers who love and honor their local saint. “Cherkasy residents and all faithful children of the Church never forget their spiritual father, just as he never forgets to spiritually support each of them during difficult trials.

During the service, a special prayer was offered for the Church as it faces severe persecution from its own state.

The persecuted Met. Theodosy of Cherkasy. Photo: cherkasy.church.ua The persecuted Met. Theodosy of Cherkasy. Photo: cherkasy.church.ua     

In his homily following the Gospel, Met. Theodosy spoke about the life and times of St. Makary, noting that the 17th century was a time of severe trials, when the faithful showed themselves to be true confessors.

After the Liturgy, a festive procession was held around the cathedral, followed by a moleben to St. Makary.

All those present were presented with a precious gift—particles of the vestments of the Heavenly patron of the Cherkasy lands.

Read more about St. Makary here.

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