Georgian Church reminds clergy to be peacemakers in run-up to parliamentary elections

Tbilisi, October 23, 2024

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The Georgian Orthodox Church’s Public Relations Service has issued a statement addressing the upcoming elections, emphasizing the Church’s unique position as a national unifier while maintaining political neutrality.

Parliamentary elections will be held this Saturday, October 26. The ruling Georgian Dream party has talked about strengthening the constitutional status of the Georgian Orthodox Church, after the Patriarchate rejected the proposal to become the official state Church.

While acknowledging Georgia’s dual challenges of preserving religious-national values and maintaining sovereignty and peace, the Church states it will support choices that promote long-term peace and strengthen Christian and family traditions.

The statement concludes by urging clergy members to be mindful of their special role in maintaining social unity during the emotionally charged election period, calling for prayers for national unity and peace.

The statement reads in full:

Today our country is going through a crucial path. On one hand, protecting national and religious values, and on the other hand, unifying the country, maintaining sovereignty and peace, represents the main goal for both state institutions and society.

We have repeatedly stated that the Georgian Orthodox Church, as the greatest unifier and benefactor of our nation and country, cannot appear as a political side. However, it will unequivocally support such a choice that will bring long-term peace to Georgia and strengthen those values in society that will contribute to the reinforcement of Christian and family traditions.

Accordingly, during the election period, against the background of excessive emotions and tension, we ask the clergy to consider in their statements and appeals that they have a special role in maintaining public unity and tranquility.

Let us pray that the Lord may grant mercy to our nation and, according to the apostle's word, maintain the unity of spirit in the bond of peace.

The Georgian Patriarchate has issued similar statements against clergy making political statements in the past.

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