A Dream Becomes Reality. The Church of St. George in Viljakainen, Finland

On Thursday August 15, the long-time dream of an Orthodox Finn has come true--the church he built in his homeland was opened to all. Pekka A. Viljakainen writes on the website of the Church of St. George (stgeorge.fi): “The Church of St. George was built in honor of God and to commemorate the late servant of God Yuri Injushin, the joint effort of pianist Anastasia Iniushina and entrepreneur Pekka Viljakainen, was consecrated by Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland. This temple was built to bring the joy, hope and beauty of encountering God to our fellow human beings, as well as strengthen the love between people. We would like to thank the employees at Kenozersky National Park in the Arkhangelsk Oblast of the Russian Federation, who graciously provided us with information about the Chapel of the Procession of the Holy Spirit in the village of Glazovo on which the Church of St. George is modeled. The church was built by a group of expert artisans from Finland and Russia. The design and construction took a total of 500 days. It was designed by church architect Ivan Kanaev” “Anything is possible,” says Pekka, “it just takes a lot of energy, time and passion.” We present a photo display of the process.

The site of the church needs to be highest spot in our lands...

The site of the church needs to be highest spot in our lands...

Archbishop Leo and vicar Bogdan Grosu in blessing ceremony.

Archbishop Leo and vicar Bogdan Grosu in blessing ceremony.

It will be a long, long fall, before we reach the heights of 15,5 meters and water proof.

It will be a long, long fall, before we reach the heights of 15,5 meters and water proof.

In other Northern cities of Russia, carpenters are working with elements of the iconostas. In this fully digitalized world, there still seems to be something totally non-digital.

In other Northern cities of Russia, carpenters are working with elements of the iconostas. In this fully digitalized world, there still seems to be something totally non-digital.

450 kg and 200 kg wood made domes are ready! Now just to figure it out, how to get those safely to Finland... Some 2000 kilometers in rough roads...

450 kg and 200 kg wood made domes are ready! Now just to figure it out, how to get those safely to Finland... Some 2000 kilometers in rough roads...

Soon ready to be covered and shipped to Finland...  I am amazed about the quality of the handcraft skills.

Soon ready to be covered and shipped to Finland... I am amazed about the quality of the handcraft skills.

The first icons are ready...

The first icons are ready...

Christmas 2012.

Christmas 2012.

Today was the day (we waited 4 months for better weather conditions) when domes were loaded and started their route to Finland.

Today was the day (we waited 4 months for better weather conditions) when domes were loaded and started their route to Finland.

Increasing number of details arriving every day. Amazing handwork and craftsmanship

Increasing number of details arriving every day. Amazing handwork and craftsmanship

For candles... part of the design process.

For candles... part of the design process.

Team with icons has worked now 13 months.

Team with icons has worked now 13 months.

Everything prepared for next phase...

Everything prepared for next phase...

Background for iconostas

Background for iconostas

The church "Garden" was covered yesterday with 800 square meters of ground taken from north Karelia...

The church "Garden" was covered yesterday with 800 square meters of ground taken from north Karelia...

The iconostasis.

The iconostasis.

Mateo2/8/2023 1:17 am
God's creation for him and our Souls.
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