Tbilisi, May 15, 2014

The head of the government in his speech paid particular attention to the role of the Orthodox Church and the traditions of veneration of the Mother of God in Georgia, reports Gruzinform.
"All the history of Georgia is founded on the Christian faith and Christian culture. It was Orthodoxy that over the centuries nourished the Georgian nation and its spirituality. The world view and way of life of any Georgian have always rested upon the Orthodox faith. Love, peaceful co-existence, tolerance, virtue, sympathy—these are the values on which our (small in number and always surrounded by enemies) nation stood and by which it was saved. It was precisely faithfulness to these values that made Georgia a part of the European civilization and culture," said Irakli Garibashvili.
The prime minister expressed his gratitude to Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia for his labors for strengthening and uniting the country.
is following the orthodox way, but then
cannot even hide the fact that he is a
corrupt liar, trying to equate orthodoxy with
European values. Being european is all that matters
to these corrupt filth. They equate christianity
with "modernism" like "its modern to read" "its
modern to be european" destroying the true christian
values. These are the nazi filth that need to
be removed from power, not our rightly guided
teaches chuch as arya slvyanski drevni culture
teachers and teachings.
It's obvious Georgia models itself after the west
so, the discord is not satan. The discord is
based on values. Two types of people... old
value and new value. And it clear which side Christ
is on. And very sad, women dying their hair wearing
versache and taking "christian pride" same in
Serbia, woman, sinful dispicable, and "Christian
man" defending this, saying "Oh this our christian
modern lifestyle" Bring it to end. China and
Russia, destroy the illness of modernity.