Donetsk, November 2, 2014
On Friday the Iveron Convent of Donetsk was shelled with incendiaries. A block house was burned down.

“The reports that it was a wooden church that burned down are wrong. It was not a church, though it had a dome above it.
“The block house was built last year specially for the Sunday school which opened last year but closed this year. Children were taught, guests were received and people were given food on holidays there,” the convent reports. “Nearly the entire fence around the convent burned down. The cemetery is being shelled intensively.”
The mother-abbess together with the convent’s confessor attempted to drive up to the convent but they were not let in.
At the present time at the St. Nicholas Cathedral (which currently keeps the main shrine of the convent – the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos) supplicatory prayer services with Akathists are performed in a singsong voice before the wonder-working icon every Friday. Last Friday many people came to pray before the holy icon.