OCMC News - OCMC Welcomes His Eminence Konstantinos of the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Singapore and South Asia

Source: Orthodox Christian Mission Center

April 12, 2016

OCMC was blessed to receive His Eminence Konstantinos of the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Singapore and South Asia. The Metropolis is home to nearly one fifth of the world's population. His Eminence shared how the Church is trying to reach out through its ministries that serve people regardless of their religious, cultural, or ethnic background. OCMC was blessed to receive His Eminence Konstantinos of the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Singapore and South Asia. The Metropolis is home to nearly one fifth of the world's population. His Eminence shared how the Church is trying to reach out through its ministries that serve people regardless of their religious, cultural, or ethnic background.

Last week, OCMC was honored to welcome His Eminence Metropolitan Konstantinos of the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Singapore and South Asia. His Eminence shared with the OCMC staff many of the good works being done by the Church in the Metropolis which is home to more than a fifth of the world’s population, but is still mostly non-Christian.

Though the Metropolis now has 32 priests, 25 churches, 2 monasteries, and a theological school, Orthodox Christianity is not well-known in this part of the world. "Orthodox" is a term usually associated with Judaism, and "Christian" is associated with Protestantism typically. Still, the Church has begun to take root in many of the countries throughout the Metropolis, living in harmony with the other major Faith groups that have a much larger presence, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.

More often than not, the Church has tried to introduce itself through gestures of goodwill – witnessing for the love of Christ by being the love of Christ for any and all who need it. The Church has established many philanthropic ministries throughout the Metropolis, including 8 clinics, a hospital, a dentistry clinic, 2 orphanages, 2 boarding houses, 5 kindergartens, 10 primary schools, 2 high schools, and a technical academy. Each of these ministries service people regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliation. Providing these services to people in need has earned the Church respect, in some instances even where perceptions of Christians are less than favorable.

In other cases, the Church has revealed itself through miraculous movements of the Holy Spirit. One story His Eminence shared was of a man whose son had slipped into a coma. He and his family were Hindu. He had prayed to his gods pleading for them to heal his son. Desperate, he then asked an Orthodox priest to pray for his son. The priest prayed, and his son came out of his coma and has now fully recovered! Shortly after, the man and his entire family became Orthodox.

OCMC is committed to helping the Church in South Asia to continue its loving witness. Each year OCMC sends Mission Teams to the Metropolis. This year OCMC is sending a healthcare team and two teaching teams to Indonesia! OCMC also helps support the Metropolis’ clergy through the Support a Mission Priest (SAMP) program. Please visit www.ocmc.org, e-mail missions@ocmc.org, or call 1-877-463-6784 if you’d like to help the Church in South Asia through one of these programs.

Alex Goodwin

Orthodox Christian Mission Center


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