Ekaterinburg Ponders Renaming of Districts in Honour of Holy Royal Martyrs

Source: Royal Russia

April 30, 2016


The Ekaterinburg City Senate has sent a proposal to Metropolitan Kirill of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, for the renaming of the city’s districts in honour of the Holy Royal Martyrs, who were all murdered in the Ipatiev House on 17 July, 1918. The Ekaterinburg Senate is an independent civil body was created in 2013 to provide social control for official Ekaterinburg authorities such as City Duma (Council). A copy of the proposal was also sent to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus.

The Senate proposed to rename the seven city districts as follows: the Upper Iset district would be renamed Alexandrovskii in honour of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna; the Railway district would be renamed Alekseevskii in honour of Tsesarevich Alexei; the Ordzhonikidze district would be renamed Olginskii in honour of Grand Duchess Olga; the Kirov district would be renamed Anastasievskii in honour of Grand Duchess Anastasia; the October district would be renamed Nikolaevskii in honour of Emperor Nicholas II; the Chkalovsky district would be renamed Tatyaninskii in honour of Grand Duchess Tatiana; and the Lenin district would be renamed Mariinskii in honour of Grand Duchess Maria. Also, a proposal was made to build seven churches, one in each district in honour of the Holy Royal Martyr for which it was renamed.

For many years the citizens of Ekaterinburg have tried to come to terms with the murder of Russia’s last emperor and his family in 1918. Earlier this year, a proposal was made to rename the city’s main street from Tolmacheva Ulitsa (Street) to Tsar Ulitsa. This new proposal to rename the city districts is the latest effort to rid Ekaterinburg of crimes crimes committed during Soviet times against the Russian Imperial family and the Church.

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church have reacted positively to the initiative, now it is up to the authorities to review the proposal and come to a decision, one with great historic significance.

See also
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John Newbery5/2/2016 6:45 pm
I watched the Liturgy for Pascha at Ekaterinburg on Soyuz tv on the Internet in England. It looked a lot of hfun...especially when the servers were throwing eggs up to the choir in the loft !
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