A new book, St. Tikhon of Moscow: Instructions & Teachings For the American Orthodox Faithful (1898-1907), is now available from St. Tikhon's Monastery Press.
This volume of St. Tikhon’s sermons and other writings, newly translated and edited by Alex Maximov and David C. Ford, provides English-speaking readers access to the words of a figure of towering importance for the Orthodox Church both in America and in Russia. Born Vasilii Ivanovich Bellavin (1865–1925), St. Tikhon was bishop of the Orthodox Church in North America from the end of 1898 until the spring of 1907, longer than any bishop between the establishment of the diocese in 1870 and the Russian Revolution.
Alex Maximov is an independent scholar, and member of the parish of the Monastery Church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, South Canaan, PA. Dr. David C. Ford is Professor of Church History, St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary, South Canaan, PA.
From the original editor:
These words and sermons represent in a way the archpastoral diary of Vladyka, in which the main aspects in the life of the American Orthodox Church that the Archpastor paid attention to are indicated. Re-reading these “Instructions and Teachings” of His Holiness to the American flock, the pastors and those in their care, the reader involuntarily is present amidst the flow of life in the American Church, enters the many-sidedness of its parts, recalls its distant past, contemplates what was contemporary for the hierarch, and detects similarities or differences between what took place then and what exists in its present life.