Metropolitan Onufry asks Ukrainians to read special prayer rule for the period of all-Ukrainian cross procession

Kiev, July 10, 2016


His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All the Ukraine has blessed daily reading of a special prayer rule throughout the period of the all-Ukrainian cross procession of peace, love and prayer for the Ukraine, reports the information and education department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC MP).

Earlier in his statement the UOC MP primate called upon all the faithful members of the Ukrainian Church to take part in this procession of the cross. Among other things, he noted that every Christian will be able to join the procession depending on his or her strength and opportunities: “Whoever can walk in the cross procession for long time, let him do so; whoever can walk only in his town or village, let him do it. If you can give food to the pilgrims, this is also a kind of participation in our noble common cause.”

His Beatitude has blessed all Orthodox Ukrainians to observe a special daily prayer rule until July 27.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry has blessed those who will not be able to join the cross procession to read the prayer “Our Father” privately twelve times a day, “O Mother of God and Virgin, rejoice” twelve times a day along with the prayer for peace in the Ukraine.


To Almighty Lord, for peace and ceasing of civil strife

O Master Almighty, Lord most Merciful, accept our prayers in this time of our grief, offered to Thee before Thy Holy Table on bended knees and with humble tears. Accept the entreaties of all our holy kinsmen, whom we now call to intercede for us and help us, so that the light of Thy love, shone forth from Thy Cross, would enlighten every man and woman who suffers in this world darkened by enmity and strife.

Accept the plea of the holy and right-believing Prince Vladimir, who baptized and enlightened our land; accept the prayers of the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, who teach us not to lift up our hand against our brother; accept the intercession of Thy holy ones Anthony and Theodosius, and with them all the venerable fathers and mothers, who with tears of repentance made their souls whiter than snow; accept the struggles of the New Martyrs and Confessors, who by their sufferings have preserved for us the saving faith in Thee; accept the petitions of all the saints of Thy Church, who hallowed our land with their labors. And especially accept the prayer and Protection of Thy Most Holy Mother, our Sovereign Lady, Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, through Whose unfailing intercession Thy people were saved from every hostility and civil strife many times in the past.

Hear us O God our Savior, and be merciful, be merciful, O Master, to all who suffer and are heavy laden, and forgive us our sins, teaching us also to forgive those who sin against us, and turn Thy anger to Thy mercy, calming down every agitation and every conflict in our land, for Thou art our God of mercy and compassion toward mankind, and unto Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.


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