Venerable Spyridon and Nikodemos the Prosphora-bakers, of the Kiev Caves

Commemorated on October 31

Saints Spyridon and Nikodemos, the Prosphora-bakers of the Kiev Caves fulfilled their obedience of baking prosphora for thirty years. Saint Spyridon came to the monastery in the time of Igoumen Pimen (1132-1141), when he was no longer a young man. He was illiterate, but knew the entire Psalter by heart. The ascetic combined his work with unceasing prayer and chanting all the Psalms every day. Even during his lifetime Saint Spyridon was glorified by miracles.

Once, his mantiya caught fire from the stove. The fire was extinguished, but his mantiya remained whole. Saint Nikodemos labored with Saint Spyridon and led a very strict life. Their relics are in the Near Caves of Saint Anthony. The fingers of Saint Spyridon’s right hand are positioned to make the Sign of the Cross with three fingers.

Saints Spyridon and Nikodemos are also commemorated on August 28 (Synaxis of the Saints of the far Caves of Saint Theodosios), September 28 (Synaxis of the Saints of the Near Caves of Saint Anthony), and on the second Sunday of Great Lent (Synaxis of all the Venerable Fathers of the Kiev Caves).

Troparion — Tone 4

By making prosphora with your hands, and unceasing psalmody with your mouths, / you offered a sacrifice of praise1 to the Lord, together with the honorable Nikodemos. / O blessed Spyridon, pray with him to Christ God for our souls.

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