Synaxis of the Saints of Kostroma

Commemorated on January 23


The saints of Kostroma include

St Abramius of Galich, or Chukhloma Lake (July 20)

St Adrian of Monza (May 5)

St Alexander of Galich, abbot of Voche (March 27)

St Barnabas abbot of Verluga (June 11)

St Cyril of New Lake (February 4, November 7)

St Cyril of White Lake (June 9)

St Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal (June 26, October 15)

St Gennadius, abbot of Kostroma (August 19)

St Gregory, abbot of Pelshme, wonderworker of Vologda (September 30)

St James of Brileev (April 11)

St James of Galich Monastery (April 4, May 30)

St James of Zheleznoborovsk (April 11, May 5)

St Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow (March 31, May 27, June 15)

St Macarius, abbot of Zheltovod and Unzha (July 25)

St Macarius of Pisma Monastery (January 10)

St Metrophanes, bishop of Voronezh (August 7, September 4, November 23)

St Pachomius, abbot of Nerekhta (March 21, May 15)

St Paisius, abbot of Galich (May 23)

St Paul of Obnora (January 10, October 7)

St Therapon of Monza (May 27, December 1).

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