Apostates to occultism, satanism, sects, Islam received back into the Church

Moscow, December 27, 2021

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More than a dozen apostates from the Orthodox Church have returned to Christ after spending time in spiritually destructive sects and religions.

Pravoslavie.ru/OrthoChristian.com author Andrei Solodkov reports:

Yesterday, after three months of rehabilitation, the rite of union to the Russian Orthodox Church was held in the Church of St. Joseph of Volokolamsk [in Moscow—OC]. Seventeen people, who had previously fallen in with the Baptists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Islam, occultism, and satanism, were reunited in Church communion with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

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The Church of St. Joseph is known for its work bringing apostates back to the Church, and the rite of reunion is celebrated there several times a year. Another 11 people were reunited to Christ at the Church of St. Joseph in September.

The rite of reunion is also celebrated several times a year in the Church of the Joy of All Who Sorrow in Moscow. OrthoChristian most recently reported that 78 apostates returned to the Church in April 2019, and another 50 that December.

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Norman Peterson12/27/2021 10:08 pm
It would be well to remember this... In Islam we are allowed to lie under three circumstances. 1.The first is we can say that we are not Muslim if someone or people are threatening our life and would kill us if we were to state that we are Muslim or follow Islam."
Alexander Leitner12/27/2021 9:09 pm
Glory be to Christ!
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