24th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida

July 28, 2015


Registration is now open for the 24th Annual Russian Orthodox Church Musicians' Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia with the theme "Developing and Strengthening the Musical Tradition of Your Church Choir." The conference is to be held in St Petersburg, Florida, October 7-11, 2015 and is open to singers and conductors of all levels. The course offers practical and theoretical knowledge of the depth and beauty of Orthodox services through lectures, workshops and rehearsals.

This year’s conference will focus on developing and strengthening parish choirs in the Russian Orthodox tradition through a blend of historical, theoretical and practical instruction. Clergy participation is especially encouraged at this year’s conference.

The conference will end on the high note of an episcopal All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy at St. Anrew’s Russian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg.

For more information, including schedule, registration, contact, and hotel info, see the conference’s website or email info@rocmconference.org.


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