Georgia: Graffiti in Arabic and Turkish appeared on walls of ancient monastery in Mtskheta

Tbilisi, March 25, 2016


Graffiti in Turkish and Arabic, written with Latin letters has appeared on the walls of the ancient Jvari monastery in Mtskheta, hailed by Michael Lermontov in his poem “Mtsyri,” writes the Georgian portal “Zneoba.” The story was first reported by bloggers.


“There are no detainees. An investigation is underway. It is difficult to say exactly when the graffiti appeared,” stated the press service of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as quoted by Blagovest-Info.

A criminal investigation was opened under Article 2582, Section 3 of the Georgian criminal code (destruction of national memorials, and damage to or destruction of monuments included in the world heritage list), which is punishable by four to eight years of imprisonment.

Translated by Jesse Dominick


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