John (Amir) Azarvan
Just as the Holy Spirit guided the fallible Apostles in writing infallible Scriptures, we believe that the Holy Spirit inspired those who provided the elevated language with which we venerate the Mother of God—the “cause of our salvation.”
I am just one of countless people whose lives Fr. Alexander touched.
Dr. Amir Azarvan
Scripture, itself, does not teach that it, alone, is authoritative for the faith and practice of the believer.
Therefore, the recent past and the present are causally linked in a historical chain that bears witness to the gradual deterioration of society.
Today, psychologists acknowledge the physical-spiritual nexus that Fr. Seraphim Rose warned about decades ago.
UFO sightings are simply another—and, in our secular culture, increasingly common—mode in which the demons attempt to beguile us.
Such seemingly unrelated problems as those concerning vaccines, the coronavirus, police violence and the anarchic response to it ultimately derive from, or are exacerbated by, the same factor.
The term “organized religion” has a negative connotation. However, it points to a very positive quality that’s often overlooked: it organizes people; it brings them together, satisfying the human need for community.
Amir Azarvan
Rating: 7.1|Votes: 23
I know, therefore, what the answer to the question “Daddy, do you love me more than God?”—a question with which many Christian parents are likely familiar—ought to be; though whether I, in my weakness, live accordingly is an entirely separate matter.
Rating: 9.8|Votes: 56
Today, the Church is forced to confront ideas—which I would characterize as ultra-liberal ideas cloaked in Orthodox garb—that have proliferated online through various discussion groups and venues like Public Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy in Dialogue, and The Wheel.
Rating: 9.4|Votes: 34
In short, to say that all things should be done well is to say that they should be done in a Godly way.
Rating: 9.6|Votes: 29
My hope is that readers will renounce the mental shackles that restrain contemporary thinking, so that they’ll be free to believe or disbelieve in Christianity based on the evidence or lack thereof, and not be predetermined to disbelieve by scientifically unsupportable, a priori assumptions about what is possible.