Previously unknown homily of St. Nikolai (Velimirović) discovered in Serbian monastery

Brezova, Serbia, July 29, 2020

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St. Nikolai (Velimirović) is revered as one of the greatest saints of the 20th century. His gift for fiery and inspiring preaching earned him the moniker of “Serbia’s Chrysostom.”

Now, another example of his eloquence has been unearthed, as a manuscript of a previously unknown homily was discovered in Studenica Monastery in Brezova, Serbia, reports the official site of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Abbot Archimandrite Tikhon of Studenica explains:

A few days ago, we found an important document—a sermon by St. Nikolai dated 1938. The manuscript was among the papers and photographs in the late Fr. Julian’s briefcase… It's typewritten, with some of the words handwritten. Apparently, Vladyka typed the sermon when he was inspired, and left empty spaces to then enter the church or monastery where it would be read, as well as the name of the saint whose memory is being celebrated, and the year.

The homily was written in the Žiča Monastery, the episcopal residence of St. Nikolai. He signed and sealed the homily, and added: “After reading, leave in the archives of the monastery.”

In the sermon, St. Nikolai emphasizes that God has and always will help His people, and encourages his flock to place their full trust and hope in God. And we must resist evil deeds, but ever glorify God:

All evil deeds are cursed, and everyone who does evil deeds puts a curse on himself and his children. He who fears God and glorifies God and trusts in God receives a hundredfold blessing, and the blessing does not depart from him, nor from his kindred, nor from his hearth, nor from his labor, nor from his cattle, nor from his field, nor from his labor.

It is better to be glorified than ashamed and better to be blessed than cursed, just as life is better than death and health is better than disease and light is better than darkness. May God glorify you all with his glory and bless you with his blessing, all of you who have gathered today for glory and prayer in this wonderful sanctuary of yours and the sanctuary of your fathers.

He concludes:

Put your trust in God the Creator, and therefore do not fear anyone or anything. God is your shield and your protection. He who trusts in God will never be ashamed, but will be glorified in both worlds. Your fathers trusted in Him, and were never ashamed, but were glorified, and being blessed by God, they gave you glory and blessing. Peace be to them in Heaven and to you, and to everyone—life and blessings, peace and joy now and forever. Amen.

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