Liturgical and Patristic texts being translated into Swahili for faithful in Tanzania

Tanzania, December 2, 2020

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In order to serve the spiritual and liturgical needs of the Orthodox faithful in Tanzania, a number of liturgical and Patristic texts are being translated into Swahili.

The Missionary Home Society, based at the Monastery of St. Dionysios in Olympus, Greece, recently announced that the most necessary liturgical texts, including the Menaion, the Octoechos, the Book of Hours, the Book of Needs, and many others are being translated into Swahili, reports the Orthodoxia News Agency.

The Missionary Home Society was founded in July 2017 with the aim of strengthening missionary work in Africa.

Several liturgical texts have already been translated, including the Divine Liturgy, the Paraklesis, the Small Compline, and the Salutations of the Theotokos.

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Additionally, the books Christ is Everything by St. Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia, a book on the Orthodox faith by Archimandrite Epiphanios Hadjiyiangou, and a small book on miracles of St. Nektarios have already been translated.

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Other works of the Fathers and modern elders are also being translated.

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Tomislav Dackovic9/22/2021 3:35 pm
Christ among us! My name is Tomislav, I am father-in-law of Jacob Zacharia Jaji, baptized in the Serbian Orthodox Church as Jakov. I would like to give him the text of the Divine Liturgy of st. John Chrysostom. How can I obtain it? Sincerely, Toma Tomislav Dacković Ljermontova 26 11000 Beograd SERBIA +381 63 839 6761
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