Mitred Archpriest Daniel Ressetar, Pennsylvania priest of 62 years, reposes in the Lord

Harrisburg, January 21, 2021

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The Orthodox Church in America has lost one of its eldest and most respected and beloved priests.

The Mitred Archpriest Daniel Ressetar, who served at the Lord’s Table for 62 years, reposed in the Lord yesterday, January 20, at the age of 93, reports the Orthodox Church in America.

He served throughout eastern Pennsylvania, most notably at Christ the Saviour Church in Harrisburg, where he was rector for 41 years.

Fr. Stephen Vernak, the current rector of Christ the Savior, writes of Fr. Daniel:

He was a “living legend” and my entire priesthood (which is comparatively small and insignificant) has been intertwined with his. I was ordained in 2007 with the express purpose of filling the pastoral vacancy left by his retirement, and we served together as concelebrants at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church for the past 13 years. His love for the Lord and the ministry, humor, and deep connections throughout the Orthodox world (and beyond) are a reminder of the great impact a faithful servant of Christ can have in this fallen world. May his soul dwell with the righteous, and may his memory be eternal!

May Fr. Daniel’s memory be eternal!


Fr. Daniel was born March 28, 1927 in Edwardsville, PA to Archpriest Dimitri and Matushka Margarita Ressetar. He graduated from St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in 1948. After marrying Theodora (Prislopsky) in 1958, he was ordained to the holy diaconate by Archbishop John (Garklavs) of Chicago and to the holy priesthood by Archbishop Dmitri (Magan) of Philadelphia in 1958.

He was assigned to Holy Trinity Church, McAdoo, PA, which he served until 1962, when he was assigned chaplain at Lackland Airforce Base. In 1965, he was assigned to Christ the Saviour Church, Harrisburg, PA, which he served until his retirement in 2006. He remained active as pastor emeritus after his retirement.

In addition to his parish ministry, Fr. Daniel served in numerous Church-wide capacities, most notably as dean of the Frackville Deanery. He served as national and district chaplain of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America for many years. He also served as a prison chaplain at the Dauphin County Prison for 8 years.

He is survived by his wife, Matushka Theodora, and his three sons, Nicholas, Gregory, and Alexander.

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Comments J.Muindi...Kenya1/27/2021 10:01 am
May their memory be eternal....God loved them more
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