Georgian Church condemns violence surrounding LGBT events in Tbilisi

Tbilisi, July 6, 2021

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The Georgian Orthodox Church has issued several statements calling for the peaceful, prayerful protest of the Tbilisi Pride events that were held over the past week. The LGBT organization initially planned for its events to culminate in a “March of Dignity” yesterday in Tbilisi.

It is unacceptable to admire sin, but it is also to hate and do violence against anyone else, the Church stated on June 29. A few days later, the Patriarchate announced that a moleben prayer service would be held on July 5, “in order that peaceful protest of people is not transformed into violent confrontation.”

Unfortunately, however, there were individual voices from Orthodox people calling for violence, and violence did erupt on the streets of Tbilisi, leaving several people injured and several people arrested. The chaos did result in the LGBT march being canceled, but at the same time, the Church is being widely blamed for the violence in the media.

Given the situation, the Georgian Patriarchate made two more statements yesterday condemning the violence, and assuring that those who called for violence would be dealt with.

In the first statement yesterday morning, the Patriarchate “reminds those gathered to protest the so-called ‘march’ that our current procession and gathering should be peaceful and focused only on prayer.”

While the Church opposes sin and the “propagation of immorality,” it also prays for those involved in such activity.

“Christianity calls for peace and mutual love,” the Patriarchate emphasizes, and thus calls on all to refrain from any aggressive physical or verbal confrontations, “so that all this does not lead to any escalation and does not affect our compatriots, regardless of their different views and beliefs, profession, or social situation.”

Thus, the violence against journalists on the streets of Tbilisi is “totally unacceptable,” the Church unequivocally declares.

“We must remember that even the injury of one person threatens not only him but also the whole community and goes against Christian teaching,” the statement concludes.

In its second statement yesterday, the Patriarchate reiterates that it has always called for peace, and that it prays for all who have been injured.

“We believe that violence is unacceptable and condemnable, no matter where it comes from. That is why we will have a proper response to the clergy who incite violence, if any,” the statement reads.

At the same time, the Church reminds that the LGBT events were the “propaganda of an unconventional lifestyle and contained signs of moral, psychological and ideological violence against our population and the next generation,” and thus, such violent incidents were easily predictable.

The Patriarchate reminds that it warned the U.S. and EU embassies about such consequences of their support for LGBT propaganda events, though, “Unfortunately, both ours and the people’s opinions were ignored.”

The Patriarchate reminds that according to the European Convention on Human Rights, when exercising freedoms and rights, national and public safety must also be taken into account “to suppress public disorder or crime, to protect health or morality, to protect the rights or dignity of others…”

Thus, it is the organizers and supporters of Tbilisi Pride, who knowingly put people in danger, “without taking into account the currently reality in the country,” who must first take responsibility for the violent incidents.

Georgia has endured many severe trials in recent decades, “but it cannot tolerate moral degeneration,” the Patriarchate stresses.

Finally, the Church emphasizes that attempts to accuse the Church of escalating problems are “not true at all.”

“Our goal is to serve God and our people as best we can… God is with us!” the statement concludes.

In his sermon following the Church’s peaceful prayer service held yesterday, His Eminence Metropolitan Shio of Senaki and Chkhorotsqu, the Locum Tenens of the Georgian Patriarchal throne, made many of the same points, emphasizing that “we cannot accept and condone this violence,” while assuring that the Church will always stand against the propagation of sin.

“According to the teachings of our Church, we never disparage people who have fallen into sin; on the contrary, the Church is tolerant of them, always ready to accept and embrace the repentant sinner, but the Church will never tolerate declaring and legalizing sin as the norm,” His Eminence said with the compassionate voice of the Church.

Watch a clip from the Church’s peaceful prayer service:

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Orthodox Paladin7/7/2021 5:37 am
Judas did not crucify Christ, he merely revealed his presence to his enemies. The Bolsheviks did not overthrow the Tsar, Saint Nicholas II was overthrown by the traitorous liberals under Kerensky while at the front. When Stalin and Kamo murdered 40 people in the 1907 Tiflis bank robbery, it was not the Bolsheviks who gave themselves a slap on the wrist, it was the "moderate" Leftists within Georgian society that let them go. In all fairness to the Georgian Patriarch, he may simply be playing politics with the Progressive demons in his country similar to Metropolitan Sergius' dealings with Stalin, but there is only one acceptable place for sodomy, the closet. Deviants have no right to corrupt our streets, our homes, our children particularly our young boys who are so often preyed upon by these monsters. Let us pray for the Georgian church, its clergy, that it may be protected from enemies seen and unseen, and for the Georgian people, to liberate them from Moloch-worshiping Progressives wherever they may be.
Herman7/7/2021 3:28 am
The Church in the past always supported DEFENDING the people against invaders and enemies. The parade was cancelled BECAUSE of the violence. So now, thanks to the violence, many Georgian people and their children will not be forced to witness this horrible spectacle in their capital city. Violence is not always wrong. If people would stand up for what they believe, and FIGHT then we would NOT be in the position we are in today. Children are having their genitals mutilated in Europe and the US because their parents think they are a different sex than they are in reality. The LGBT agenda is violent and absurd, and must be stopped with force, if necessary. It has now reached that point, has it not? Georgians should be opposing this with violence, because obviously "peaceful" protests do not work, and neither does logic or reason. The Church should not be condemning the good Georgian people that are only DEFENDING themselves against a disgusting and satanic evil being forced, first and foremost, on their children. When the Germans came to Russia in 1941, did you all just sit and protest peacefully, or did you take up arms and fight? Didn't Alexander Nevsky FIGHT and KILL to defend his nation? What's the difference? Why would the Georgian Church appeal to the "European Convention on Human Rights" as if that means anything? I'm fairly certain that 500 years ago, the Georgian Church would have endorsed forceful defense against an invading homosexual army attempting to propagate sin and disease to the children of their country... am I wrong? What changed? Drawing a hard and firm line in the sand with these people is necessary. Allowing subversive "journalists" and foreign NGOs to conduct propaganda campaigns in your country is insane and suicidal. I live in America and see what this gay agenda has already done in a very short time to my people. Pedophilia will probably be legalized soon in various European countries first, and then mine. Is that what the Georgian Church wants to sit around and wait for? Adult men want to have sex with your children, and they want you to approve of it. If that isn't a good reason to take up arms and participate in some violent opposition, I don't know what is.
Antiochene Son7/6/2021 5:43 pm
If we will not fight for the purity of our children's minds, what will we fight for? The Church did not start the violence – the US state department did, when they did violence to Georgian society –, but the Church should finish it.
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