Annual miracle: Snakes of Panagia appear again in Kefalonia churches

Kefalonia, Greece, August 11, 2021

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Every year, around the new calendar feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, mysterious snakes appear in the villages of Markopoulo and Agrinia on the western Greek island of Kefalonia, where there are chapels dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos, remaining until the feast of the Dormition on August 15.

Normally, hundreds and thousands of faithful pilgrims flock to the villages to behold the “Snakes of the Panagia” that seem to appear from out of nowhere and disappear again after the feast. The black and white snakes have the Sign of the Cross on their velvety heads, and their tongues are in the shape of a cross.

The local faithful testify that the snakes are warm-blooded

, which is unknown anywhere else or any other time in the world. The snakes crawl throughout the churches and especially around the icons of the Theotokos.

Many have testified that when they touched the snakes, they were healed of incurable diseases.

And according to a number of posts from Orthodox faithful, the snakes have appeared again this year:


The Church of the Dormition in Markopoluo is built on the ruins of an old monastery. In the early 18th century, the nuns of the former convent were attacked by pirates. They prayed fervently to the Theotokos for protection, and the pirates were terrified by the sight of snakes darting towards them when they entered the convent and they fled.    

The snakes have appeared every year since then, except for two years: 1940, the year Greece was brought into the Second World War, and 1953, the year of a devastating earthquake on Kefalonia. Thus, it is believed to be ominous if the snakes do not appear.

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Silouan9/8/2021 4:16 am
Joanna, Mary: what was raised up for the Hebrews to look at for healing? What was that a foreshadowing of? God loves all His creation, and most certainly would have such a lovely miracle. The Lord is not limited. In the Saints, full of God's love, all creation becomes docile and recalls Whose Image we are made in.
Susan8/12/2021 11:12 am
Joanna, don't worry, snakes are also God's creatures, and these are good snakes. The snakes chased away the pirates and saved the nuns. People have even been healed from them. Crushing the head of the serpent means crushing the devil's head. It's not the snakes' fault that satan appeared as one of them. And yes, the saints have approved it.
Joanna cardinale8/12/2021 5:38 am
When I saw this. My spirit was shaken. I am sorry but if you think this is from God, I must say I don’t believe it is. Think about it, The new calendar has been under attack ever since it left the old calendar. Why , why would it be a good thing to see a serpent come to our Holy Theotokos, when she is the one who crushed the evil one’s head. Think about it. Especially on the Dormition.
Mary8/11/2021 11:08 pm
Sorry, but I have a hard time believing that this is of God. It would freak me out if if a bunch of snakes slithered into church and draped their scaly selves all over any icon, let alone one of the Theotokos. And people still kiss the icon afterwards?! Sounds disgusting.Has a saint approved of this?
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