Exhibition on St. Innocent of Alaska opens in his native village in Russia on anniversary of his birth

Anga, Irkutsk Province, Russia, September 9, 2021

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St. Innocent of Alaska is one of the first and greatest saints to have served in the American land, later becoming the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia.

Every year on September 8, the Holy Hierarch’s birthday is honored in his native region at the Irkutsk Province Museum of Local History, and this year, the celebration was joined by a delegation from America that traveled to Russia to open an exhibition in honor of St. Innocent and his legacy at Fort Ross in California, the Museum reports.

The day began with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Innocent Church in the saint’s native village of Anga. The American delegation includes both ROCOR and OCA clergy who served together with His Eminence Metropolitan Maximilian of Irkutsk.

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After the service, the “St. Innocent and Fort Ross” exhibition was opened at the village’s St. Innocent Cultural-Educational Center.

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The exhibition was the result of several years of cooperation between historians, volunteers, clergy from America, and employees of the Irkutsk museum. The exhibition is supplemented with drawings from Orthodox children in California and Russia.

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The project was headed by Robin Joy Wellman, a former employee of the Fort Ross State Historical Park, who was highly impressed by the Anga center dedicated to St. Innocent when she visited in 2019. She then had the idea to supplement the center with information and items from the saint’s time in California, as most of the museum exposition was dedicated to his mission in Alaska, reports ogirk.ru.

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Among the items from the American delegation is a copy of the Gospel of Matthew used by St. Innocent.

After the opening, the guests took part in the annual planting of cedar seedlings outside the Center. The celebration ended with a concert performed by local folk ensembles.

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See also
By Reindeer and Dog, by Boat and on Foot: Holy Hierarch Innocent of Moscow on His Missionary Journeys By Reindeer and Dog, by Boat and on Foot: Holy Hierarch Innocent of Moscow on His Missionary Journeys By Reindeer and Dog, by Boat and on Foot: Holy Hierarch Innocent of Moscow on His Missionary Journeys By Reindeer and Dog, by Boat and on Foot: Holy Hierarch Innocent of Moscow on His Missionary Journeys
Metropolitan Innocent of Moscow
His path of life was an unceasing, difficult podvig [spiritual labor]: he spent forty-five of eighty-two years of his life in journeys, preaching the Word of God to the peoples of Russia’s extreme north, Alaska and Aleutian Islands.
Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2016 Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2016 Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2016 Annual Pilgrimage to Fort Ross, 2016
Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko offered the sermon in which he recalled the history of Fort Ross which has its beginning in 1812. He spoke of the longstanding expression of sensitivity exhibited by the Russians in relation to the Spanish presence in California and in the interactions with the indigenous people of the environs. Not once was a canon of the fort shot in anger. Several Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church participated in the life of the fort or visited and prayed there. Father Stefan concluded that this annual pilgrimage is an important means for cultivating our rich Russian Orthodox heritage and consciousness.
The Saints of Fort Ross The Saints of Fort Ross The Saints of Fort Ross The Saints of Fort Ross
One came by schooner, and then horseback. Two came by steam locomotive, and then stagecoach. Holy men on a mission-they came, they prayed and departed. Their presence at Fort Ross, Russian colony turned California State Park, is exceptional. It is the only public park in the United States that has been graced by three saints. In a sense, Fort Ross is a kind of hallowed ground.
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