400 united to Christ in two mass Baptisms in Africa

Congo and Uganda, January 18, 2022

From the Baptisms in the Congo. Photo: Romfea From the Baptisms in the Congo. Photo: Romfea     

Nearly 400 people were united to Christ in in two mass Baptisms celebrated by clergy of the Patriarchate of Alexandria recently.

At the Church of St. George in Kolwezi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, 346 people received the washing of regeneration last week, reports Romfea.

The priests of St. George were joined by priests from surrounding parishes for the joyous celebration.

The report reads:

During the Sacrament, we all felt spiritual joy. We saw in the faces of our newly enlightened brothers, the miracle painted on their faces. We realized that the light that came out of these people’s eyes was never going to go out. It would follow them into eternity. The afflicted land of Africa may have been deprived for centuries of this great gift, the “Light” of Christ, but the time has come and it has shone. It has shone so that these people could understand that this great Mystery of Baptism gave them the opportunity to know the truth, which will show them the way to eternal life.

In the Congo. Photo: Romfea In the Congo. Photo: Romfea     

And at the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries in Kiti, Uganda, 49, mainly children and young people, were baptized into Christ on Sunday.

Last month

, His Grace Bishop Silvester of Gulu and Eastern Uganda baptized 20 young men in the city of Jinja.

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Kalle11/2/2022 12:16 am
This is good and this is justfied, this would never have happend if Alexandria would have remained Orthodox.
John1/23/2022 1:29 pm
Beyond shameful, and beyond Alexandria (think Korea, Georgia, Ukraine). The Moscow Patriarchate's Neo-Papist leanings and pretensions are on display for anyone who has eyes to see; only some some will process these facts and marshall their powers of denial to justify this sinister "divide and conquer" policy, preferring to submit their minds to the masterful disinformation capmpaign orchestrated by Moscow's lie-generators and bots, than to ecclesiology, canon law, and history. PATRIARCHATE OF MOSCOW, REPENT!
Moe1/19/2022 12:31 am
And the russians want to invade there and infiltrate and disrupt the great work the Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria does in Africa, it really makes your skin crawl, shameful.
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