More than two dozen clerics in Uganda and Tanzania join Russian Church

Uganda and Tanzania, February 17, 2022

Fr. George Maximov with priests in Uganda. Photo: Telegram Fr. George Maximov with priests in Uganda. Photo: Telegram     

According to the Russian Patriarchal Exarch for Africa, more than two dozen clerics have joined the Russian Orthodox Church in Uganda and Tanzania.

Metropolitan Leonid of Klin reports that Fr. George Maximov led a missionary group in Uganda from February 12 to 16, which visited six cities and villages, held four clergy meetings, celebrated two joint Divine Liturgies and one Baptism, visited parishes and priest’s houses, and delivered public sermons.

Hundreds of icons and crosses were distributed, as well as antimens, pectoral crosses, and Chrism for priests.

Three more priests and one deacon were accepted into the Russian Church, for a total of 10 clerics from Uganda in all, including those who had transferred before Fr. George’s visit.

In Tanzania, Fr. Andrei Novikov led a missionary group from January 31 to February 16, which visited 6 cities and villages, held seven clergy meetings, two meetings with Orthodox activists, five meetings with communities, including Russian-speaking communities, celebrated two joint Liturgies three Baptisms and molebens, visited four parishes, and delivered four public sermons for the laity.

Hundreds of icons and crosses were distributed to the laity, and antimens, Chrism, pectoral crosses, Eucharistic sets, and other liturgical utensils were given to priests.

In all, 16 clerics have joined the Russian Exarchate in Tanzania.

“Are you violating the canons? Then we’re coming to you!” Met. Leonid concludes his message about Tanzania.

The Exarchate has proved much more popular in Kenya, where 95 pr

iests have joined, with another 10 being vetted.

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James G2/18/2022 8:50 am
Dionysius: Where have you been for the last 2 years? The MP has repeatedly pointed out to Pat. Theodore that those who serve with schismatics thereby make themselves schismatics, according to the canons. A number of holy fathers have stated that schism is even worse than heresy, because it rends the Body of Christ. Pat. Theodoros ignored these pleas for two years, and has shown that he has no intention of changing his mind. As for what the West thinks of Russia, well that is in fact its own problem.
Fr Barnabas Lameck Ntasha2/18/2022 6:59 am
We are very proud of the successful missionaries work by Fr Georges and Fr Andrei. Many young and energetic priests in congo Democratic republic have already prepared to welcome Russian Orthodox Patriarchate in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Kasai towns.we have also many priests are still hesitant because they continue living in houses, churches built by Greek Orthodox church under Alexandria.they want to join but where to go with their families once vacate houses. If ROC patriarchate can find a quicker alternative for those priests, deacons I am sure Alexandria Patriarchate will be no where to far in some countries in Africa Greek Orthodox Bishops mistreated african priests and parishioners even threatened to repossesse their gifts which were given to african priests and parishioners.
Dionysius Redington2/18/2022 5:30 am
'“Are you violating the canons? Then we’re coming to you!” Met. Leonid concludes.' Well... ------------ The problem here is that the Russian Church has not yet issued a theologically clear justification of its actions (which themselves are uncanonical). At some point, it is certainly justified to ignore the canons about the geographical boundaries of the various churches; no-one doubts that there should be Orthodox churches in Italy. Alexandria's claim to 'all Africa' includes Tunisia and Algeria, which once were as Latin as Gaul: when Donatus objected to how the Metropolitan of Carthage was chosen, he complained to Rome, not Alexandria. The question is: how long do you have to wait? The examples of Western Europe and North Africa suggest 'centuries', which is too long -- what about all the millions of people who lived outside Orthodoxy during those centuries through an accident of birth? But if the answer is 'less than a year', you seem to risk canonical anarchy. Before starting this exarchate and invading Africa (bizarrely during a world crisis where Russia, rightly or wrongly, appears to most outsiders to be acting as an aggressive empire -- one would think that the Russian Church would be trying to mitigate rather than reinforce this impression), the Moscow Patriarchate should have stated clearly of what heresies (not 'canonical violations') it accuses Pat. Theodore, and given him a chance to defend himself. Then, if he fails to do so in a satisfactory way, the local churches that agree with Moscow should have held a council, deposed him, and named a new Patriarch, based in Alexandria. If Theodore's party maintains control of existing buildings and property, so be it; there is already a Miaphysite patriarchate that claims to be the 'true' patriarchate as well as the (until recently) Orthodox one. ------------ The same procedure should have been applied to Rome centuries ago. ------------ Dionysius Redington
Archpriest Andrei Novikov2/17/2022 8:33 pm
I noticed at least one important mistake. My journey began not 13th January, but 31st January. You may find it at Metropolitan Leonid telegramm channel.
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