GOARCH reveals Virgin of NYC Icon for Ground Zero church

New York, April 1, 2022

Photo: goarch.org Photo: goarch.org     

Amidst a decade of start and stop construction, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople officially opened the unfinished Church of St. Nicholas and National Shrine at Ground Zero in New York in November


The previous St. Nicholas Church was destroyed by falling rubble on September 11, 2001, and in 2010

, Church leaders reached an agreement to build a new church at the site.

And now the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has revealed the Platytera icon of the Theotokos that will adorn the church apse, dubbed “The Virgin of New York City.”

The icon, showing the Mother of God with the Christ Child protecting the city, including familiar landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Tower One at the World Trade Center, as well as the St. Nicholas Church, was published in the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine March newsletter, GOARCH reports.

“In the icon, the Virgin with outstretched arms is embracing our City, just as She does the Queen of Cities, Constantinople,” explains Archbishop Elpidophoros.

He continues:

Forgiveness is a hard thing to associate with 9/11, because of the brutality and barbarity of the attack. But the Virgin’s embrace is the same one which held her Son when His body was taken down from the Cross. It is an embrace of love and hope, and we have seen this hope realized in the rebirth of the World Trade Center. And we are building a beacon of love and forgiveness to be a house of healing at Ground Zero, which needs this presence.

Our Panagia—our Lady of New York City—is a visible sign of this love and forgiveness, for she forgave the crucifiers of her Son, and she will embrace all who come into our National Shrine, with the same message of love and hope that was brought to her by the Archangel on the Day of Her Annunciation.

At the time of the church opening in November, it was reported that GOARCH was hoping for the church’s full opening this month.

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Joanna7/7/2022 9:38 pm
Such beautiful symbol of love and peace. There is enough love, grace and kindness within the beautiful Orthodox Church for all who believe.
Giorgos4/3/2022 3:06 pm
Yes, beautiful indeed. Such biased criticism for such a good work... Yes, there is lot of sin in NYC city, just like there is a lot of atheism in Moscow and a lot of Islamism in Constantinople. Does this mean anything? God is everywhere and pious and saintly people are also everywhere. And they have any right to call and pray to the most holy Theotokos!
Eddy V. Damme4/3/2022 7:58 am
I understand and sympathise with the sentiments expressed by other commentators, especially bearing in mind the horrific statistics on abortion in New York that rival the old Soviet Union. But surely if any city needs the prayers of the Theotokos it is New York. I am reminded of Genesis 18/23 when Abraham intercedes for Sodom.
Paul Bazios4/3/2022 5:57 am
The Platytera Icon is supposed to show that the Theotokos is "more spacious than the Heavens" because she bore Christ who is omnipotent. It's a theological icon that is not supposed to be attached to a specific place.
Basil4/2/2022 8:16 pm
A more appropriate name would be "Our Lady of Babylon." NYC is a moral cesspit; all we can really guess is that the Mother of God maybe prevented her Son from throwing that place into the Atlantic a long time ago.
Ephraim4/1/2022 8:44 pm
A cringy icon. NYC has not embraced God, to claim the Theotokos is the "protectress" of NYC seems dubious and wishful thinking. Until we turn to God, until NYC repents and embraces Orthodoxy...how can we even dare to claim the Theotokos has a special watch/prayer over NYC. Also "our Lady of New York City"is a really Catholic/Papist expression. That isn't Orthodox. The ecumenism is blatant with Archbishop Elpidophoros.
Rdr Daniel4/1/2022 6:58 pm
From my understanding this building includes a 'ecumenical chapel' for those who follow the delusional and demonic religions of this world. If this be true then this will not truly be an Orthodox Church but at pantheistic building run by the Greek 'Orthodox' Archdiocese of America which is not Orthodox but Heterodox and unworthy of the name Greek or Rhoman. As such nothing to do with this building is worth mentioning by an Orthodox publication, they whish to be later day papists then let the papists report on them.
Steve4/1/2022 1:55 pm
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