Romanian Church honors martyrs of communist prisons (+VIDEO)

Romania, May 15, 2022

Icon of Romanian Martyrs and Confessors of Communist Prisons. Photo: Facebook Icon of Romanian Martyrs and Confessors of Communist Prisons. Photo: Facebook     

On the night of May 14-15, 1948, mass arrests of Christians began in Romania. On that night alone, about 10,000 intellectuals, students, priests, and peasants were seized. Many political and religious detainees lost their lives in the communist prisons over the coming decades.

On May 30, 2017, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis promulgated a law establishing May 14 as a commemorative day in honor of all martyrs of the Communist prisons.

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In honor of the commemoration, the Church of the Martyrs and Confessors of the Communist Prisons at the National School for the Training of Penitentiary Agents in Târgu Ocna, Bacău County in eastern Romania was consecrated on Saturday, reports the Basilica News Agency.

Valeriu Gafencu

, known as “the Saint of the Prisons” and Fr. Gherasim (Iscu) both gave their lives to the Lord at Târgu Ocna. The latter will likely be canonized by the Romanian Church in 2025.   

The day began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by His Eminence Archbishop Teodosie of Tomis with chaplains from prisons across Romania and local clergy.

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During the service, the Archbishop prayed for the prison workers, as well as for the forgiveness of the prisoners’ sin and for God to help them change their lives for the better.

After the service, the hierarch spoke about the importance of providing religious service in penitentiaries, saying that “many have found their faith in prison and become religious people.” A memorial service was then served for the founders and martyrs and confessors of the prisons.

The day then continued with three blessing services led by the local hierarch His Eminence Archbishop Ioachim of Roman and Bacău, together with Abp. Teodosie and His Grace Bishop Andrei of Covasna and Harghita.

First, a bust of the Martyr Constantin Brâncoveanu, chosen as the patron saint of the Training School, was blessed in the school yard, followed by the Penitentiary Museum.

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Finally, the new wooden church dedicated to the Martyrs and Confessors of the Communist Prisons was consecrated.

Throughout the celebration, participants were able to venerate fragments of the relics of St. Constantin and the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste.

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