Photos of new Moscow churches featured at city government exhibition

Moscow, June 30, 2022


A photo exhibition dedicated to the new churched built in Moscow opened in Moscow Government buildings, reports .

Last week, the exposition was visited by Acting Chairman of the Financial and Economic Department of the Moscow Patriarchate Hieromonk Ermogen (Burygin), head of the architectural department of the Moscow Patriarchate Archpriest Andrey Yurevich and Head of the Technical supervision Department of the Non-profit Partnership, “Unified Customer Service of the Moscow Patriarchate” A.L. Shulyaev.

According to the head of the Department of Urban Planning Policy of the City of Moscow Sergey Levkin, since the onset of program for the construction of Orthodox churches in the Russian capital, 84 churches and church complexes are already in use, and there are 4 in process, since the beginning of this year.

The exposition within the walls of the Moscow Government buildings includes 42 plates with photographic works dedicated to the new churches and their territories.

Many of these churches have become architectural places of interest in their districts. These are the Church of the Presentation of the Lord in Zhulebin, the Church of Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Dmitrovsky, the Church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril on Dubrovka, the Church of Great Martyr Dimitrios of Thessalonika in Khoroshev, and others.

“The Moscow Government’s participation in the program is to provide, in agreement with the Russian Orthodox Church, lots for the of Orthodox churches and church complexes,” Sergei Levkin said.

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