Jerusalem: Police remove squatters from Church property (+VIDEO)

Jerusalem, August 8, 2022

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The Jerusalem Patriarchate faces constant provocations, threats, and attacks from radicals in the Holy Land.

Most recently, the Church reports:

On Sunday, July 25 / August 7, 2022, radical squatters of unknown origin occupied the property of the Patriarchate of Holy Sion, around the chapel and near the School building, bringing tables and a bed covers, intending to settle permanently.

The Patriarchate strongly protested against the repeated flagrant violation of this pilgrimage site and, by reporting it to the Police, demanded the removal of these dangerous people.

The police freed the area from them.

The Patriarchate unequivocally condemns this illegal action and intends to take all the necessary legal measures to bring justice.

The Patriarchate has been battling several years against Jewish extremists occupying a Christian-quarter hotel. The Israeli Supreme Court rejected the Patriarchate’s latest attempt in court to protect its property.

During President Biden’s recent visit to Jerusalem, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos called upon the U.S. to help protect Christian holy sites in the Holy Land.

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Cyprian8/8/2022 2:47 pm
Missed the opportunity to catechise them.
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