Patriarch Kirill calls to restore canonical order in Ukrainian Lvov Diocese

Moscow, August 10, 2022

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His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret of Lvov of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church turned 50 yesterday.

The primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, addressed the Ukrainian hierarch with a message of congratulations.

In particular, the Patriarch reminds the Metropolitan of his years as a student in Moscow and expresses hope that “canonical order will soon be restored” in the Lvov Diocese, where Met. Philaret has been appointed to serve the Mother Church.

After the Ukrainian Church Council in late May, which strengthened UOC independence, Met. Philaret gave an interview about the Council, in which he stated: “All the norms that still connected our Church with the Moscow Patriarchate were completely deleted from the UOC Statutes. So now we are completely outside the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Kirill is no longer the primate of our Church in any form.”

The Patriarch’s message reads in full:

Your Eminence!

I congratulate you on your 50th birthday.

Significant years of your life are associated with the Moscow theological schools, where you bore the important obedience of a subdeacon under my blessed predecessor, His Holiness Patriarch Alexei II of Moscow and All Russia. Having joined the brotherhood of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the cradle of Russian monasticism, you took monastic vows and were tonsured in honor of St. Philaret (Amphiteatrov), Metropolitan of Kiev, who is honored as a fervent zealot of truth and a strict ascetic. Subsequently, the Lord called you to episcopal labors, entrusting to your care the flock of the Lvov Diocese, where you have been serving for ten years.

I express the hope that, by the grace of God, canonical order will soon be restored in the ecclesiastical lot entrusted to you.

May Christ the Savior keep you in good health and spiritual peace for many years, granting patience, spiritual wisdom, and His help in the further service of the Mother Church.

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José vera8/12/2022 3:28 am
Ya lleg el tiempo que cada iglesia tome su propio camino , solo Cristo sera su guía.
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