Romanian diocese raises $25,000 for urgent medical treatment

Târgoviște, Romania, August 18, 2022

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Thanks to the generosity of priests and parishioners of the Romanian Orthodox Church’s Archdiocese of Târgoviște, two seriously ill people have a chance at recovery.

The collection taken up throughout the diocese with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Nifon managed to raise $24,800 (119,000 lei) for specialized treatments for one child and one young man from Dâmbovița County, the Archdiocese reports.

The funds were offered on Tuesday, August 16.

The Basilica News Agency notes that the Romanian Orthodox Church is the largest philanthropist in the nation. In 2021 alone, the Church invested $44,731,940 (44 million euros) in social-philanthropic activities, not counting the charitable activities of parishes and monasteries to help the sick, elderly, children, and the poor.

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