Belarusian faithful set off on 8-day procession for 1,030th anniversary of Orthodoxy in Belarus (+VIDEO)

Zhirovichi, Belarus, August 22, 2022     

Belarusian Orthodox faithful headed off on the feast of the Transfiguration, August 19, on an 8-day, 155-mile procession in honor of the 1,030th anniversary of the Baptism of the Belarusian land.

The procession began at Holy Dormition Monastery in Zhirovichi and will conclude at Holy Spirit Cathedral in Minsk on Friday, August 26, reports the Belarusian Orthodox Church.

The procession was preceded by the Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Transfiguration at the Holy Dormition Monastery, celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Guriy of Novogrudok.

Following the service, Vladyka Guriy led the beginning of the prayerful procession. Participants will visit several churches along the way.

The procession will end with the Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Minsk Icon of the Mother of God led by His Eminence Metropolitan Benjamin of Minsk and a moleben before the wonderworking icon.

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Panagiotis8/23/2022 4:20 am
What a beautiful video. I hope everyone shares this video with everyone else. This is true Orthodoxy. This is true Orthodox Church. These are strong conservative Orthodox Christians. Vladyka Guriy does not baptize children of sodomites. The faith of my people is inspiring. God bless them all. I wish I was there with them. I remember as a small child my Mother telling me to crawl underneath the Epitaphio (like they do in video) and I asked why? Because the Panagia will protect you! And the people marching through the city was truly inspiring. God is happy to see this. These are God's People marching in the streets proudly for our faith. They are not "social justice" malcontents rioting, burning, and looting in the streets. This is why all of our people, all Orthodox People, must reject the no good liberalism of the West! Don't believe everything that the Western news media and other Western entities are saying about my Russian Brothers. If you think that the West loves our Orthodox People, then I tell you this my friends, there is a huge ocean in the middle of the Sahara Desert that I want to sell to you...... Glory be to our God! THOXA SI O THEOS, THOXA SI! Just my humble opinion.
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