Archpriest Valentin Asmus
Here, the self-awareness of Byzantium is briefly expressed—a consciousness of the great responsibility of universal service. This service was not to the state, nor to a people or peoples, but to God, to Christ’s truth and righteousness.
We discuss how believers lived during the Soviet era with Mitred Archpriest Valentin Asmus, rector of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Krasnoye Selo, and Doctor of Theology.
Nun Cornelia (Rees)
In 2022, when the fifteenth anniversary of the reunification approached, I decided to talk with people who participated in the process and combine their memories in a book.
Archpriest Andrew Lemeshonok
At a meeting of the sisterhood of St. Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, the nuns shared their experiences about how to maintain trust in your spiritual father.
Igumen Anthony (Korolev)
When a new wave of persecutions broke out in the 1960s, the authorities decided to close down one of the churches in the area, and their choice fell on Malye Yasyrki. But the sisters and the parishioners stood up for the church.
n the Soviet era the church in Malye Yasyrki was a spiritual center where people came for prayer and spiritual guidance not only from all over the Voronezh region, but also from across the USSR.
Evangelos Nikitopoulos
It is hard to overstate the ramifications of authenticity. Dionysius’ writings contain our earliest canon of the Bible, the earliest description of the Liturgy, a detailed exposition of the Sacraments and the role of Church orders, as well as the theology underlying iconodulia.
Archpriest Vladimir Boldin
The Lord will have mercy on the Ukrainian people. To be sure, for our own mistakes we will have to drink the bitter cup to the dregs.
Priest Sergei Nikulin
A crucial aspect of pastoral ministry, aside from the services, is caring for people.
Archpriest Eugene Popichenko
Gratitude is the norm of life. This is a commandment both in relation to God and to people.
LPriest Sergei Nikulin
Every person is destined for joy. This talent is given to each according to his strength.
Hieromonk Philaret (Trunin)
During the day we have many reasons for getting offended, but a Christian should not allow evil into his heart, and still less should he make plans to take revenge on anyone who offends him. But how can we do it? How can we learn this? These questions were discussed at a pastoral meeting organized by Hieromonk Philaret (Trunin) from Moscow’s Sretensky Monastery.
Elena Nasledysheva
And she was unable to explain it: “It is right here, you see, here,” and she’d point to her heart. But her husband would say, “God is telling us to do this.”
Bishop Nestor (Donenko) of Yalta
And the experience of a martyr says that if an external evil is coming, evil thoughts are beginning to attack from inside, your neighbors appear to be very “distant”, and you are betrayed and sold, you understand that there is something that you cannot betray—and a hero appears in literature—but most importantly, a Christian, a martyr appears.
When the time of persecution, sorrows, and illness comes, a person mobilizes and realizes that earthly life is a special space, that it is not a health resort or a sanatorium. There is little point in seeking pleasures and pleasant sensations—that is the greatest illusion.
Priest Alexei Shishkin
This theme raises the question of what an Orthodox Christian should be like in certain circumstances. He must be Orthodox: an Orthodox Christian on a trolleybus, an Orthodox walking down the street, an Orthodox entering a church, an Orthodox working. What makes him different from other people is that he makes efforts to fulfill the commandments of God, to pray, and to turn to God with his heart.
A real Christian remains one everywhere—in everyday life, in communication with a stranger; a seller or a buyer, a boss or a subordinate. For a Christian everything is subordinated to the same Gospel law, which is the basis of his spiritual life.
Sergei Alekseyev
In the proper sense of the word, state power is already a matter of the 10th century, and the key role here was played by the Christianization of Rus at the end of the 10th century.
Archpriest Darko Đogo, Doctor of Theology, Professor at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of St. Basil of Ostrog (University of East Sarajevo, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian Orthodox Church), talks with Moscow seminarians about Serbian Church life, the Church in North Macedonia, Russian-Serbian relations, the New Testament, and more.
Marilyn Swezey
The main and constant miracle was the effect presence of the icon on people in the who were uplifted, and sometimes just brought to a renewal of their faith.