Saint Onouphrios Monastery of Jableczna, Poland

Source: Mystagogy


The Monastery of St. Onouphrios (Onuphrius, Onufry) is in the village of Jableczna, between Terespol and Koden, near Bug river. St. Onouphrios Monastery in Jabłeczna was built in the 15th century and is dedicated to the Egyptian hermit living in the 4th century. It has been the only Orthodox monastery in the area of the diocese. It played a significant role during the time of the Union of Brest, being an important centre of the Orthodox faith. In the first half of the 17th century the Bishop of Chełm was residing here. This monastery, as one of very few, has always been Orthodox. The beginning of the 20th century was the greatest in the monastery’s history, where there were 80 monks, 5 schools, a patient’s clinic as well as a farm was operating there. The major feast is on June 25th - in honor of St. Onouphrios. Today there are 10 monks in the monastery and is under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan of Warsaw and All Poland.



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