Archimandrite Justin (Parvu)
Therefore, act according to your conscience, not according to what your body dictates to you. For can train it and shape it as you live your whole life.
Unlike other times, God will allow the enemy to touch the soul; it will be more of a psychological torture and you won’t be able to hide even in the crevices of the earth.
He spent sixteen years in prison for his faith in Christ. He wound up there at a young age and came out a sick, half-dead old man.
And the life I led during those years was perhaps the most fertile and beautiful, because all those sixteen years I was moving from death to life and from life to death.
Elder Justin (Parvu; 1919-2013) was one of the most famous Romanian spiritual fathers. We present here several of his spiritual counsels, gathered from various publications.
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On June 16, 2013, at 10:40 p.m., after several weeks of suffering in terrible pain, which became particularly acute during his final hours of life, Archimandrite Justin (Pârvu) departed this temporary life to the habitations of heaven, to the holy martyrs and confessors he so loved, and with whom he so longed to be united.