Islamic Indoctrination Taking Place in Georgia Schools


October 6, 2015


Islamic indoctrination is reportedly taking place in Georgia schools, which are even implying that Allah is the same as the Christian and Jewish God.

Charisma News reports that Georgia schools are required by the Georgia Department of Education to teach about Islam, but some believe the schools have taken that mandate too far.

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) reports that in one Atlanta-area school, students were given an assignment asking them to fill in the blank of a sentence that stated, “Allah is the [blank] worshiped by Jews & Christians.” Children filled in the blank with the words “same God.”

A spokeswoman for Walton County Public Schools added that “We are teaching the same stuff that everyone else is teaching.” The woman also said that her son, who is now a senior in high school, remembered completing an assignment similar to the one that prompted students to fill in the blank with the words “same God” back when he was in seventh grade.

Many parents are upset about the school curriculum. One parent told the local news, “We are seeing one page, five statement of Christian faith and five or 10 pages of Islamic faith, so there is no accountability to make sure it is equal.”

This same issue of Islamic indoctrination has been noted in the states of Wisconsin and Tennessee.

The ACLJ says it will continue to fight to protect the constitutional rights of students to religious freedom in their education in every state where Islamic indoctrination is occurring in public schools.

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