Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch to meet in Cyprus to solve dispute

Source: Orthodixie

February 18, 2016


The Patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem, upon the initiative of the Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus, will meet in Cyprus in front of the cameras in order to resolve the dispute between the two Patriarchates.

Patriarch Theodoros of Alexandria and All Africa, who, on the morning of February 17, met with Cypriot president Nikos Anastasiadis, accompanied by Archbishop Chrysostomos, has expressed the hope that the problem will be resolved.

Asked about the dispute between the Patriarchates of Jerusalem and Antioch concerning jurisdiction over the city of Qatar, the Patriarch of Alexandria stated that the issue had already been discussed at the Synaxis of the Primates in Geneva.

On this occasion, the Archbishop of Cyprus has taken the initiative to invite the Patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem, as well as the Patriarch of Alexandria, to the epsicopal palace in Nicosia to find on camera a solution. "I believe that when we open doors, we will solve the problem in such a way that, being reconciled, we shall go to the Holy and Great Council on June 19 in Crete," said the Patriarch of Alexandria.



Ronald A. G. SARKIS2/27/2016 12:46 am
Quarrels between Orthodox Churches upset to my humble opinion, Jesus and believers considerably. These prejudice terribly Churches' image. No way, 1) present dispute should be resolved immediately; 2) Enough is enough, no room for eventual, new quarrels should be left.
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