Relics of St Pantaleon arrive in Belarus

Source: Belarus News

Minsk, August 2, 2016


A Christian relic, the forearm of Great Martyr, Healer and Wonder-Worker Pantaleon, arrived at Minsk National Airport from Italy on 1 August, BelTA learnt from the Minsk 2 Customs press group.

For the first time over the past 350 years the reliquary with relics has been moved from its place of stay – the Cathedral of Gerace (Calabria, Italy). All necessary customs formalities were done properly and quickly, the press group noted.

The reliquary will be delivered to Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral in Gomel, where the relic will be on display until 12 August and then will be taken back to its historical homeland.

Saint Pantaleon was a martyr of Nicomedia in Bithynia during the Diocletian persecution of 305 AD. Some fragments of the martyr's relics are kept in South Italy. Phials containing his blood have been preserved in cathedrals and churches located in different regions of Italy.

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