Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line against the Radical LGBT Agenda

Source: PatristicNectarFilms

August 22, 2016

Fr. Josiah Trenham, pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, CA, offered a talk at the World Congress of Families X on May 15th 2016, in Tbilisi Georgia with the blessing of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II, in which he outlined the rise of the LGBT movement, and especially in his homestate of California, and how its beliefs, methods, and aspirations radically contradict the traditional wisdom of the world's philosophies and religions and seriously threatens the future of family and society.

Also see his remarks offered at World Congress of Families IX on October 30, 2015 on the genocide of abortion:

See also
President George W. Bush, Patriarch Ilia, Levan Vasadze, and Dr. Allan Carlson Welcome Delegates to World Congress of Families X in Tbilisi Georgia President George W. Bush, Patriarch Ilia, Levan Vasadze, and Dr. Allan Carlson Welcome Delegates to World Congress of Families X in Tbilisi Georgia President George W. Bush, Patriarch Ilia, Levan Vasadze, and Dr. Allan Carlson Welcome Delegates to World Congress of Families X in Tbilisi Georgia President George W. Bush, Patriarch Ilia, Levan Vasadze, and Dr. Allan Carlson Welcome Delegates to World Congress of Families X in Tbilisi Georgia
Patriarch Ilia welcomed more than 2,000 delegates from more than 50 countries to the Tbilisi Philharmonic Concert hall. The Orthodox Patriarch gave his support and blessing to World Congress of Families in its work to affirm the natural family as the fundamental and only sustainable unit while defending the sanctity and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death.
Graffiting Gay Activists Detained in Georgia Graffiting Gay Activists Detained in Georgia Graffiting Gay Activists Detained in Georgia Graffiting Gay Activists Detained in Georgia
While the republic of Georgia engages the west politically and economically it remains a staunchly conservative nation where the Church and Patriarcha Ilia II are trusted by the vast majority of citizens.
Georgian Patriarch (Ilia II) Gives Blessing to World Congress of Families X -- Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (May 15-18) Georgian Patriarch (Ilia II) Gives Blessing to World Congress of Families X -- Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (May 15-18) Georgian Patriarch (Ilia II) Gives Blessing to World Congress of Families X -- Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (May 15-18) Georgian Patriarch (Ilia II) Gives Blessing to World Congress of Families X -- Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (May 15-18)
"We are honored and humbled to have the Patriarch's blessing and participation in World Congress of Families X. Patriarch Ilia represents the Christian virtues of faith, beauty, truth, and goodness in Georgia that the World Congress of Families stands for throughout the world by defending the natural family as the fundamental and only sustainable unit of society and defending the sanctity of dignity of all human life from conception to natural death."
WR Walters8/26/2016 7:23 pm
With advent of this LGBT agenda it is noticed that few people comment on it. So, uncritical acceptance of an irrational assumption persists. For the first time in civilization the family unit is changed. Why? Does diversity and mans rational of a few override the many. Where are we headed when we do not look to the future with a sense of responsibility.

I sense that we can only look to prayer. So I prayer for those that need it with love.
Teklu 8/26/2016 10:43 am
This is what orthodoxy means!!! In any case there is no way to approve the homosexual is a normal way of thinking . It is sin!!! It is against the nature !!! It is against GOD!!!
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