VIDEO: On the Rise of Ecumenism in the Theological Schools

Part 5

Source: YouTube

August 17, 2016

Fr. Theodoros Zisis is Emeritus Professor of Patrology and former Chair of the Department of Pastoral and Social Theology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the video below Fr. Theodore, known as a staunch defender of traditional, patristic Orthodoxy, discusses the rise of ecumenism in Greek theological schools, from its healthy beginnings as a means to proclaim the truth of Orthodoxy, to its decline into illegitimate syncretism:

J. Thomas Phillips6/23/2019 3:18 am
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Anthony8/29/2016 6:15 pm
Brilliant video. Pater Theodoros speaks so eloquently and sums things up so brilliantly. I love what he says - there can be no love and no unity without TRUTH. You can't love someone whilst lying to them. Axios! Imagine if the Greek Orthodox Church had more moral giants like him - it would be paradise. Instead we have people like the Phanar, Chrystostomos of Cyprus, John Zizoulas of Pergamos, and the rest of the motley crew peddling their vile ecumenist heresies and scandalising our Church, and the faithful.
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